Research Article |
Corresponding author: Eberhard Fischer ( ) Academic editor: João Farminhão
© 2022 Eberhard Fischer, Bonny Dumbo, Landry Dumbo.
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Fischer E, Dumbo B, Dumbo L (2022) A new species of Amorphophallus (Araceae) from Eastern D.R. Congo, and a new record of the genus from Rwanda. Plant Ecology and Evolution 155(3): 333-342.
Background and aims – A new species of Amorphophallus (Araceae) is described from D.R. Congo in connection with preparing the family treatment for the Flore d’Afrique centrale. Another species is recorded for the first time from Rwanda.
Methods – Standard herbarium practices were applied.
Key results – Amorphophallus dumboi sp. nov. is related to A. margretae. The differences between these species are discussed and distribution maps for the taxa are presented. Both species are range-restricted in the Albertine Rift and preliminarily assessed as Critically Endangered. Amorphophallus mayoi is for the first time recorded for Rwanda. The taxon, originally described as a subspecies of A. calabaricus, is raised here to specific rank.
Albertine Rift, Amorphophallus dumboi, Amorphophallus mayoi, Central Africa, endemism, taxonomy
The genus Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne. (Araceae, Thomsonieae) comprises ca 230 species and is distributed in tropical and southern Africa, Madagascar, tropical and subtropical Asia to Western Australia (
During recent fieldwork in Rwanda and the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, two species could be observed. The one from Rwanda proved to be Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. mayoi and thus constitutes a new country record, while the other taxon from Kahuzi-Biéga National Park could not be identified. After careful comparison with herbarium material and the relevant literature, it proved to be a species new to science that is described below.
The present study is based on the investigation of living plants and dried herbarium specimens from the following herbaria: BR and K (acronyms according to
D.R. CONGO – Lacs Edouard et Kivu • S Kivu, Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, transitional rainforest at Mulolo, partially submerged along small stream; 2°29’06.42”S, 28°21’22.09”E; 1108 m; Dec. 2018; B. Dumbo & L. Dumbo s.n.; holotype: BR [BR0000015253569V].
Amorphophallus dumboi. A–B, D. Habit with inflorescences showing the third author for comparison. C. Leaf, showing the third author for comparison. E. Base of plant showing roots and upper part of tuber. F. Leaf. G. Inflorescence. Scale bars: 20 cm (A–D), 1 cm (E), 5 cm (F–G). Photographs taken at the type locality on 10 Dec. 2018 by Bonny Dumbo.
Amorphophallus dumboi. A. Inflorescence. B–C. Detail of spadix showing staminate (above) and carpellate zone (below). D. Carpellate flowers. E–G. Ornamentation on inner side of spathe. Scale bars: 5 cm (A), 5 mm (B–C), 1 mm (D–G). Photographs taken at the type locality on 10 Dec. 2018 by Bonny Dumbo (A), and in the laboratory by Eberhard Fischer (B–G).
Comparison of the key characters for Amorphophallus dumboi and A. margretae.
Character | Amorphophallus dumboi | Amorphophallus margretae |
Leaves | appearing together with inflorescence on same tuber | appearing after inflorescences |
Inflorescence (cm) | 125 | 78–82 |
Peduncle length (cm) | 90–98(–15) × 1.5 | 50–52 × 0.6–1 |
Spathe length (cm) | 18–25.5 (30) | 24 |
Tube shape | cylindrical, not constricted | elongate-cylindrical, slightly constricted |
Tube size (cm) | 11–12(–15) × 5.8–6.2 | 8.5–9 × 3.5–4 |
Basal inside of tube | irregular rounded to elongate projections of 0.2–1 mm length, between and on the veins | smooth, with shallowly elevated dark veins |
Open limb | 15–16 × 6–8 cm, purple, margin entire | 14.5–15 × 6–7 cm, purple, margin slightly undulate |
Spadix | sessile, 25.5–32.5(–38) cm, slightly longer than spathe | sessile, 28–30 cm, slightly longer than spathe |
Carpellate zone | cylindrical, 2.5–5.2 × 2.5–2.8 cm, mostly congested | cylindrical, 3 × 1.5 cm, flowers distant, only partly congested |
Staminate zone | cylindrical, 4.8–5.3 × 2.5–2.8 cm, flowers dense | cylindrical, 7–8 × 0.6–1 cm, flowers distant |
Sterile zone | Absent | Absent |
Appendix | conical, 16–18 × 3.5–5 cm, smooth, basally with longitudinal furrows | conical, 16–17 × 0.6–2 cm, smooth, basally slightly constricted |
Carpellate flowers length (mm) | 4–4.6 | 5–6 |
Ovary (mm) | 3.5–4 × 3–4 | elongate-ovate, 3–4.5 × 2–3 |
Style (mm) | 1–1.2 | 0.6-1 |
Stigma (mm) | 1.2–1.3 | 2-humped or unlobed, 0.5–0.8 × 0.5 |
Staminate flowers (mm) | 1–1.5 × 1.3–2.24 | 0.8–1 × 0.8–1.1 |
Anthers (mm) | free, rounded to cubic | free, rounded to cubic |
Filament length (mm) | 0.1–0.2 | 0.1–0.3 |
Amorphophallus dumboi differs from A. margretae in the leaves and inflorescences that appear at the same time on the same tuber (leaves appear after inflorescence in A. margretae), the peduncle about 4 times the length of the spathe (peduncle not exceeding 2 times the length of the spathe in A. margretae), and the inner base of spathe with irregular rounded to elongate smallpox-like projections of 0.2–1 mm in length, between and on the veins (inner base of spathe smooth, with shallowly elevated dark veins in A. margretae).
Tuber irregular-globose to ovoid, 6–8 × 2.5–5.5 cm. Leaf with 3 pinnae, each 1-pinnate to 1-pinnatifid. Petiole 70–75 cm long. Lamina diameter up to 120 cm. Rachis of each pinna 35–37 (48) cm long, winged. Terminal leaflet up to 16.5 cm long and 4.5 cm wide, with long acumen of 2.5 cm length. Cataphylls 3, the inner one ca 9–10 × 1.5–2 cm, the outer ones much shorter, dark with darker veins. Inflorescence up to 125 cm tall, erect, appearing simultaneously on the same bulb with the leaf, smell very unpleasant. Peduncle smooth, 90–98(–105) cm × 1.5 cm, with small roundish spots. Spathe 18–25.5 (30) cm long, cylindrical, without a constriction, tube 11–12(–15) × 5.8–6.2 cm, interior (adaxial) side basally with irregular rounded to elongate smallpox-like projections of 0.2–1 mm length, between and on the veins, open limb erect, rim-shaped to elongate-triangular 15–16 × 6–8 cm, purple, margin entire. Spadix sessile, 25.5–32.5(–38) cm long, slightly longer than spathe, carpellate zone cylindrical, 2.5–5.2 × 2.5–2.8 cm, flowers mostly congested, staminate zone cylindrical, 4.8–5.3 × 2.5–2.8, flowers dense, appendix conical, 16–18 × 3.8–5 cm, smooth and velvet-like, basally with longitudinal furrows, staminodes absent, without a sterile zone between the carpellate and staminate zone. Carpellate flowers 4–4.6 mm long, ovaries elongate-ovoid, 3.5–4 × 3–4 mm, unilocular, style slender, 1–1.2 mm long, same colour as ovary, stigma 1.2–1.3 mm in diameter, usually unlobed and head-shaped. Staminate flowers 1–1.5 × 1.3–2.24 mm, with 3–4 stamens; anthers free, globose to cubic with rounded edges, filaments only 0.1–0.3 mm long, free or sometimes basally connate but not forming a columna, pores circular, one apical pore per theca. Infructescence unknown.
Only known from the rainforests in the southern part of Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Fig.
Transitional montane rainforest at Mulolo, partially submerged along small stream, 1108 m, together with numerous ferns and Impatiens species.
Observed in flower from August to April.
Named after Dumbo Kilundo (1 January 1930−18 September 2020), one of the most knowledgeable botanists from D.R. Congo, despite that he never received formal training. Born in Kisanga (Mulolo), Shabunda, he went to the Institut de Recherche Scientifique en Afrique Centrale (IRSAC) at Lwiro, today Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles (CRSN). There he worked first with A.R. Christiaensen and later with G. Troupin. He made major contributions to the knowledge of the Flora of Central Africa, first for the IRSAC, later as Head of Irangi Forest Reserve and for the Herbarium of Lwiro.
Critically Endangered: CR B2ab(iii). Amorphophallus dumboi is only known from the type locality. The estimated AOO is 4 km² (assuming a 4 km² grid cell size). The habitat, a submontane rainforest, is under potential threat of illegal logging but is actually protected as part of Kahuzi-Biéga National Park.
D.R. CONGO – Forestier Central • Kivu, Terr. Kalehe, km 110 route Kavumu–Walikale, réserve IRSAC à Irangi, riv. Fulonko; 900 m; 6 Dec. 1956; Christiaensen 1918; holotype; BR [BR0000008261137].
Dense rainforest in the water of the river [Forêt ombrophile dense dans l’eau de la rivière].
Critically Endangered: CR B2ab(iii) (possibly extinct). Amorphophallus margretae is only known from the type locality. The estimated AOO is 4 km² (assuming a 4 km² grid cell size). The habitat, a submontane rainforest, is under threat of illegal logging, and most of the area of the former Irangi Forest Reserve has been completely logged. Thus, the species might already be extinct.
Amorphophallus dumboi is one of the few species in the genus recorded from the Albertine Rift in Eastern D.R. Congo. The only other species known from that area is Amorphophallus margretae, which has been recorded only from the type locality in the former Irangi Forest Reserve. The first author could collect a specimen from this area in 1991, and study the vegetation (
Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. mayoi
Ittenb., Willdenowia 27(1–2): 159. 1997. (
Uganda – U4 • Mengo Distr., Kajansi Forest Reserve, 16 m on road to Entebbe; April 1938; Chandler 2433; holotype: K [K000609683, K000609684].
Amorphophallus mayoi. A–C. Inflorescences. D, G. Infructescences. E. Leaf. F. Detail of petiole. Scale bars: 5 cm (A–C), 1 cm (D, F–G), 10 cm (E). Photographs taken at Cyamudongo Forest on 1 Nov. 2019 by Bonny Dumbo (A–C) and on 31 Dec. 2017 by Eberhard Fischer (E), and at Budongo Forest on 11 Oct. 2005 by Eberhard Fischer (D, F–G).
D.R. CONGO – Forestier Central • à 8 km à l’ouest du Village Yakombe (route Yangambi–Gazi), forêt secondaire lianeuse à l’emplacement d’un ancient village appelé “Elongo”, endroit clairièré; 9 May 1940; Germain 340; BR [BR0000019942988] • Yangambi; Mar. 1949; Germain 4768; BR [BR0000019942995].
RWANDA – Lacs Edouard et Kivu • Western Province, Nyungwe National Park, Cyamudongo Forest, near Nyakabuye River; 1801 m; 1 Nov. 2019; B. Dumbo & M. Harbusch s.n.; KOBL.
Uganda – U2 • Bunyoro Distr., Budongo Forest; 28 June 1972; Synnott 1080; K • ibid.; Oct. 2005; Fischer & Killmann s.n.; KOBL • Mbale District, 10 km N of Busia, Oruchor Hill; 4 May 1951; Wood 257; K.
Kenya – K5 • N Kavirondo Distr., Kakamega Forest; 12 Apr. 197; O.J.Hansen 921; K, EA • ibid.; Oct. 2005; Fischer & Killmann s.n.; KOBL.
Closed canopy montane rainforest with dominating Newtonia buchananii (Baker) G.C.C.Gilbert & Boutique and Entandrophragma excelsum Sprague at 1801 m a.s.l.
Amorphophallus mayoi is widespread and known from at seven localities, four of them under protection as Forest Reserve or National Park. It is assessed here as Vulnerable (VU B1a2a).
The leaves of a small Amorphophallus were discovered in 2016 during a botanical inventory of Cyamudongo Forest, a small isolated remnant forest of ca 300 ha that is protected as part of Nyungwe National Park. At the end of October 2019, a young inflorescence was discovered and it was subsequently identified as Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. mayoi. This subspecies was originally described from Uganda, Kenya, and D.R. Congo, but had never been recorded for Rwanda. It is morphologically distinct from Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. calabaricus that has a dark brown-purple upper spathe, a dark purple appendix that is at least 2 times as long as the spathe, and a longitudinal relation of carpellate and staminate area of 0.65 to 0.75. Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. mayoi has an olive-green upper spathe, an olive-green to yellowish appendix that is not exceeding 1.5 of the length of spathe, and a relation of carpellate to staminate area of 0.7 to 1.3. While A. calabaricus subsp. calabaricus is restricted to coastal Nigeria and Cameroon in lowland rainforests of 50 to 500 m, A. calabaricus subsp. mayoi is found in Eastern D.R. Congo (Yangambi), Western Uganda (Budongo Forest, Entebbe), and Western Kenya (Kakamega Forest) in submontane to montane forests from 470 to 1801 m. These morphological, geographical, and ecological differences seem sufficient to consider Amorphophallus calabaricus subsp. mayoi as a species of its own. Amorphophallus mayoi is recorded here for the first time for Rwanda. The plant produces inflorescences at the end of October to November, and the leaves are shed at the end of November and last until March. A pronounced dormancy is observed from April to October. As the only hitherto published illustration is a reproduction of the herbarium specimen Wood 257 (
We would particularly like to thank the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) for collection and export permits. We thank the Université du Cinquantenaire, Lwiro, Bukavu, Province du Sud-Kivu, République démocratique du Congo for collection and export permits. We also would like to thank the BMU (Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) for funding the project “Conservation of biodiversity and natural resources and climate protection by sustainable agriculture and forestry at Cyamudongo Forest, Rwanda” (16_III_083_RWA_A_Cyamudongo Regenwald) within the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur Mainz for financial support of field trips to Rwanda. The authors would like to thank the curators of the following herbaria for making their collections accessible: BR, BRLU, and K. Last but not least, we thank two anonymous reviewers for considerably improving the manuscript.