Plant Ecology and Evolution 143(2): 212-221, doi: 10.5091/plecevo.2010.391
Checklist of Bauhinia sensu stricto (Caesalpiniaceae) in Brazil
expand article infoAngela Maria Studart Da Fonseca Vaz, Roseli Lopes Da Costa Bortoluzzi, Luis Alexandre Estevão Da Silva
Open Access
Background and aims – A checklist and key of the Brazilian species of the genus Bauhinia L. are presented. The species examined all have an arboreal or shrub habit or are occasionally vines or decumbent shrubs, although never with tendrils. Methods – Information was gathered and collated from an already prepared list of nomenclatural types, the examination of approximately 2,100 specimens stored in approximately 100 herbaria, and by consultation of literature about the genus. Key results – All taxonomic categories including section, series, species, subspecies, and variety, as well as the principal synonyms are included. In addition, references to illustrations in the most recent revisions are included. Accompanying information includes data recorded on the collection labels of herbarium specimens such as state, municipality, month and year of collection, reproductive stage of the specimens (floral bud, flower, or fruit), collector's name and number, and the herbaria where the specimens (including duplicates) are deposited. The list contains 57 species, two subspecies, and seven varieties of the genus Bauhinia native to Brazil. Bauhinia pinheroi is illustrated here for the first time.