Plant Ecology and Evolution 154(2): 296-306, doi: 10.5091/plecevo.2021.1775
Anemopaegma kawense (Bignoniaceae), a new species from the Kaw Mountain (French Guiana), with notes on related species and a key to the genus in the Guianas
expand article infoOlivier Lachenaud, Fabiana Firetti§, Lúcia G. Lohmann|
‡ Meise Botanic Garden, Meise, Belgium§ Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil| Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Open Access

Background and aims – The genus Anemopaegma (Bignoniaceae) includes around 47 species and has its centre of diversity in Brazil. Here, we describe and illustrate a new species from French Guiana, Anemopaegma kawense, and compare it to the two most similar species, A. foetidum and A. granvillei. We further assess the conservation status of all three species.

Material and methods – Morphological descriptions are based on herbarium specimens deposited at BM, BR, CAY, INPA, K, MO, P, SPF, and U, and, in the case of the newly described species, also on field observations. The conservation status assessments follow the IUCN Red List criteria.

Key resultsAnemopaegma kawense differs from both A. foetidum and A. granvillei by its densely villose twigs, longitudinally plicate leaflets with secondary veins not or hardly prominent below, and tertiary veins impressed below. It is further separated from A. foetidum by the leaflets that are villose below and the calyx that is entirely pubescent outside. On the other hand, A. kawense differs from A. granvillei by the densely lepidote outer surface of the corolla, shorter petiolules, leaflets with midrib impressed above, shorter bracts and bracteoles, inflorescence peduncle exceeding the rachis, and pedicels densely puberulous, not lepidote or only sparsely so at the apex. This species is endemic to the Kaw Mountain in north-eastern French Guiana, where it grows in low stunted forest on laterite; it is assessed as Endangered according to the IUCN criteria. New descriptions are provided for A. granvillei, which is newly reported from Suriname, and for A. foetidum, which is newly reported from French Guiana; these two species are assessed as Endangered and Least Concern, respectively. Lectotypes are designated for A. maguirei, which is here synonymised with A. foetidum, and for A. umbellatum, another synonym of that species. A key to the 12 species of Anemopaegma occurring in the Guianas is presented.

Anemopaegma, Bignoniaceae, Bignonieae, French Guiana, Guiana Shield, Kaw Mountain, new species, rainforest, Suriname, taxonomy


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