Plant Ecology and Evolution 152(1): 93-98, doi: 10.5091/plecevo.2019.1574
Hypolytrum goetghebeurii (Cyperaceae), a curious new species from miombo woodlands in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
expand article infoPhilippe Thery, Marc Reynders§, Marc S.M. Sosef§
‡ 24 rue Védrines, 64000 Pau, France§ Meise Botanic Garden, Nieuwelaan 38, 1860 Meise, Belgium
Open Access

Background – The genus Hypolytrum is studied during the preparation of the Cyperaceae treatment in Flore d’Afrique centrale. It is kept separate from Mapania and its African members have been divided amongst three sections.

Methods – Herbarium material from BR and BRLU has been studied. A preliminary IUCN Red List assessment is performed according to the IUCN Guidelines and Criteria.

Results – The new species Hypolytrum goetghebeurii is described from miombo woodlands in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It differs from other African species in the genus by forming thick tussocks, having narrow, rigid leaves and spicoids with three male flowers subtended by their floral bracts and a female flower with three stigmas. It occurs in seasonally dry areas with a regular fire regime and seems to be the only African species of that genus occupying such a dry habitat. It is named after the Cyperaceae specialist Prof. em. Dr. Paul Goetghebeur. Following the IUCN Red List criteria, the species is assessed as Vulnerable.

botany, Central Africa, Cyperaceae, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hypolytrum, new species, systematics, taxonomy


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