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Corresponding author: Laurent Hardion ( ) Academic editor: Lorenzo Lazzaro
© 2024 Thomas Reinhart, Lucile Guillon, Thomas Begoc, Pauline Chapotin, Jean-Pierre Reduron, Armando Espinosa Prieto, Laurent Hardion.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Reinhart T, Guillon L, Begoc T, Chapotin P, Reduron J-P, Espinosa Prieto A, Hardion L (2024) An integrative taxonomic revision of the Chaerophyllum hirsutum complex (Apiaceae) using morphological and molecular markers. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(3): 399-406.
Background and aims – Chaerophyllum hirsutum represents a complex of taxa with varying treatments and ranks across floras. Using both morphometric and molecular markers, we assessed the robustness of C. hirsutum, C. elegans, C. villarsii, and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme.
Material and methods – Ten morphometric variables and two ratios were calculated. Based on the sequencing of six plastomes, the rps16 intron was selected as the more variable region and sequenced on a broader sampling. Additionally, we also sequenced the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) using Illumina technology to obtain intra-individual allelic diversity.
Key results – Morphologically, the most easily differentiated taxon was C. elegans, especially using the number of subterminal umbels. The distinction between C. hirsutum and C. villarsii was rather clinal, but is mainly based on the degree of carpophore division. Finally, C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme was less easily distinguishable from the three others, but partly using the carpophore length and the total length of basal leaf blade. The cpDNA rps16 clearly distinguished C. elegans from the three other taxa of the complex, which rather showed a geographical pattern of cpDNA diversity. The nrDNA ITS2 partially distinguished C. villarsii from the other taxa, without distinction of C. elegans.
Conclusions – The present study supports the species differentiation of C. elegans based on both morphology and chloroplast genome. Furthermore, C. villarsii var. villarsii and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme could potentially be recognized as distinct varieties within C. hirsutum. This will need to be confirmed by future studies using a larger sampling size and more comprehensive markers, covering a broader portion of the nuclear genome.
cpDNA rps16 intron, internal transcribed spacer 2, plant systematics, plastome, morphometry
Authorship statement: Thomas Reinhart, Lucile Guillon and Thomas Begoc contributed equally to this work.
Chaerophyllum L., tribe Scandiceae Spreng., subtribe Scandicinae Tausch, is the most widespread genus of the Apiaceae Lindl. (
Morphologically, floras differentiate C. hirsutum from the other two species by its carpophore, which is less than 50% divided (vs more than 50%) and flame-shaped (flattened with a flame-like appearance). On the other hand, C. elegans is mainly distinguished from the other two by its opposite to whorled inflorescences. Chaerophyllum villarsii var. cicutariiforme also blurs these distinctions with its hirsutum-like leaf shape and ecology, and villarsii-like carpophore. Ecologically, C. hirsutum is a species found in mountain-lowland forests and humid environments, C. villarsii is more associated with highland mesophile meadows, and C. elegans with highland humid meadows. Geographically, the three species exhibit a nested distribution, with C. hirsutum common in Western and Central European Mountains (Fig.
Geographic distribution of taxa within the C. hirsutum complex (distribution areas estimated from
Phylogenetically, the C. hirsutum complex represents the second basal divergence of the genus (
The aim of this study is to test the robustness of taxa within the C. hirsutum complex using both morphometric and molecular markers, as a standard in integrative taxonomy (
The plant material primarily originates from herbarium collections at the
University of Strasbourg (STR), the National Museum of Natural History in Paris (P), and the
University of Basel (
Ten quantitative variables were measured three times per specimen, whenever possible, and averaged (Fig.
Description of the 10 morphometric quantitative variables measured: length of median stem leaf (Lmsl), length of leaf sheath (Lls), length of first basal leaf segment (L1bls), total length of basal leaf blade (tLblb), number of segments within the last-order division on the basal leaf (Ns), carpophore length (cL), length of carpophore division (cD), number of subterminal umbels (P), number of rays (Nr), and number of involucel bracteoles (Nb). Two ratios were also calculated, tLblb / L1bls and cD / cL.
The DNA extractions followed a CTAB protocol (
To select the most resolutive cpDNA region, the plastomes of six samples (CE08.02; CH23.11; CV24.15; CV22.11; CH13.01; CE001), two per species, were sequenced in genome skimming using an Illumina system generating 5 M reads per sample in 2 × 150 bp on a size selection of DNA fragments around 450 bp. The mapping of read pairs on a reference plastome was performed with the ‘BBMap’ algorithm in Geneious Prime 2023 (Dotmatics, Boston, USA) based on the reference plastome of Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. (MT561042). The plastome alignment was generated in MAFFT v.7.490 (
Phylogenetic reconstructions were generated using MUSCLE algorithm for sequences alignment (
The four taxa tested in this study (C. hirsutum, C. elegans, C. villarsii, and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme) could be partially differentiated based on bPCA even with 25% missing values (Fig.
Top left, Bayesian principal component analysis (bPCA) with missing value estimation on samples with less than 50% of missing values, resulting to a dataset with less than 25% of NA (n = 149). Two principal components were imposed, with a R2 (the importance of component) of 0.337 for the first (horizontal) axis and 0.135 for the second (vertical) axis. Top right, discriminant analysis (DA) on samples without NA values (n = 30), with two of the three axes obtained representing inertia of 0.988 and 0.764 (and the third, not represented here, 0.473); Bottom, boxplots for morphometrical values per taxa. LmsL, length of median stem leaf (cm); Lls, length of leaf sheath (cm); L1bls, length of first basal leaf segment (cm); tLblb, total length of basal leaf blade (cm); cL, carpophore length (cm); cD, length of carpophore division (cm); Ns, number of segments within the last-order division on the basal leaf; P, number of subterminal umbels; Nr, number of umbel rays; Nb, number of involucellar bracteoles. Dark green dots represent samples of C. hirsutum var. calabricum considered as C. hirsutum var. hirsutum samples in the present study.
Each of the 12 morphometric variables exhibit overlapping values among the four taxa (Fig.
The 43 samples successfully sequenced for the nrDNA ITS2 generated four ribotypes, divided into two groups separated by three substitutions. The ribotype A was found in 34 samples, representing C. hirsutum, C. elegans, and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme. In contrast, the other group contains the ribotypes B and C associated with nine samples (one sample only had B) and mainly with C. villarsii (n = 10). One sample presented the association of ribotypes A and C (CV_20-08), and another showed the combination of the three ribotypes (CV_24-15). Without morphological data for these specimens, we chose to remove them from the analysis.
The 36 samples sequenced for the cpDNA rps16 generated four haplotypes, without clear correspondence with the four ribotypes previously presented. Taxonomically, only C. elegans represented a monophyletic group with the clade I. The clade IV represented the first divergence of the group, and gathered only C. hirsutum samples, but only those from western Europe excluding the Alpes (Vosges, Pyrenees, and Massif Central in France). More than half of the sampling was gathered in the haplotypes II and III, combining samples of C. elegans, C. hirsutum, and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme. Only one sample (CV_016), initially identified as C. villarsii var. villarsii, shared the haplotype I (C. elegans) and the ribotypes BC (C. villarsii), and this sample was morphologically more related to C. villarsii var. villarsii than to C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme.
The present study provides insights into the differentiation of taxa within the C. hirsutum complex, which vary from species to varieties. The common bias linked to the analysis of herbarium specimens, such as incomplete material, was predominant. Only a minority of specimens could inform all morphometric variables, leading to a significant amount of missing data. However, the present study has identified the most reliable characteristics for distinguishing taxa within this complex, thereby encouraging further investigations into this intricate group. The taxonomic identity of only three samples was not supported by a consensus of molecular markers and could correspond to methodological errors or putative hybrids (CV016, CV20-08, CV24-15; see Suppl. material
Chaerophyllum elegans is the most differentiated taxon based on our genetic and morphometric data. Its verticillate umbels combined with its larger leaves (sheaths and limbs) provide reliable information for its determination, with weak overlaps with other taxa. This taxon is also the only one to be monophyletic through the cpDNA rps16. This species was previously described as a variety and a subspecies of C. hirsutum, but several authors have proposed the species status based on its morphological differentiation, and its restricted and ecologically characteristic distribution. Indeed, this species has been documented across approximately ten locations as delineated by
The distinction of C. villarsii from C. hirsutum is less clear, and the two taxa seem to form a morphological cline. Their only distinctive criterion is the longer division of the carpophore for C. villarsii, which is relatively challenging to observe in the field. In addition,
Traditionally attached to C. villarsii, C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme blurs the clinal distinction between C. hirsutum and C. villarsii. As represented in the morphometric bPCA, this taxon is historically regarded as intermediate between C. hirsutum and C. villarsii var. villarsii, displaying leaves like the former and fruit like the latter. The carpophore of C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme resembles that of C. villarsii var. villarsii (and C. elegans) in our morphometric dataset, while the leaf dimensions of C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme are rather closer to those of C. elegans. Regarding genetic data, the cpDNA haplotypes of C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme mainly correspond to the haplotypes of C. villarsii var. villarsii (and C. hirsutum), but the nrDNA ITS2 ribotypes are rather the same as C. hirsutum and C. elegans. Ecologically, some authors mentioned that this taxon is rather like the temperate C. hirsutum, which it seems to replace in the Mediterranean South Alpes (
Our sampling was partly sufficient to test the robustness of the four previous taxa, but the C. hirsutum complex also includes other putative entities. First, we did not analyse samples of the Italian C. magellense Ten., also considered as a subspecies of C. hirsutum. The only available DNA sequence for this species (GenBank accession KJ956537, herbarium specimen E00040962;
The present study provides further evidence to support taxa within and beyond C. hirsutum. Both morphometric analysis and the cpDNA genome clearly distinguish C. elegans from C. hirsutum. The differentiation between C. hirsutum and C. villarsii seems to correspond more to a morphological continuum, although the nrDNA ITS2 also partially distinguishes them. Based on our results, C. villarsii var. villarsii and C. villarsii var. cicutariiforme could be considered as varieties within C. hirsutum. This rank choice should be tested once again using more resolving markers covering a broader part of the nuclear genome. In addition, regarding the large infraspecific polymorphism of leaf characteristics described in Floras, and the importance of ecological distinction for these close taxa, it would be interesting to cultivate them in different conditions to observe the robustness of their morphological distinction, or their high plasticity along the temperate-alpine gradient.
The authors thank herbarium curators and botanical gardens, conservatories and societies that provided us with plant distribution data or material: Marion Martinez Martin, Céline Froissart, and Frédéric Tournay from the Herbarium and the Botanical Garden of the University of Strasbourg (STR), Aurélie Grall and Jurriaan de Vos from the Basel Herbarium (
Sampling information, morphological data, and DNA sequence accessions.
Photographs of the basal leaves of Chaerophyllum villarsii var. villarsii (left; A. Binz 1508,
Geographic distribution of ribotypes, haplotypes, and taxa (map from