Research Article |
Corresponding author: Filip Vandelook ( ) Academic editor: Nicolas Barbier
© 2023 Yves Hatangi, Hippolyte Nshimba, Piet Stoffelen, Benoît Dhed’a, Jonas Depecker, Ludivine Lassois, Filip Vandelook.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Hatangi Y, Nshimba H, Stoffelen P, Dhed’a B, Depecker J, Lassois L, Vandelook F (2023) Leaf traits of understory woody species in the Congo Basin forests changed over a 60-year period. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156(3): 339-351.
Background and aims – While tropical forests play an important role in carbon sequestration, they are assumed to be sensitive to rising temperatures and prolonged drought. Plant functional traits are useful for understanding and predicting the effects of such changes in plant communities. Here, we analyse the variation of leaf traits of understory woody species of the Congo Basin rainforests over a 60-year period using herbaria as tools and we verify if this variation is potentially related to recent climate change.
Material and methods – Leaves of five shrub species were collected in 2019–2022 in Congolese old-growth forests (Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, DR Congo) from different positions on the shrub. These leaves were compared with herbarium specimens collected in the same area before 1960. For both periods, we assessed leaf size, specific leaf area, stomatal size, and stomatal density for all species.
Key results – The variability of the functional traits of the understory woody species are independent of the position of the leaves in the crown. This allows for the use of historic herbarium collections for trait analyses on tropical understory shrubs. The traits of the recently collected leaves were notably different from the traits of herbarium leaves collected in pre-1960: recent leaves were significantly larger, had a higher Specific Leaf Area, a smaller stomata pore length, and, apart from Coffea canephora, showed a lower stomatal density.
Conclusion – The difference in traits over time is probably related to the increase in temperature and to atmospheric CO2 concentration, as the average temperature at Yangambi over the past 60 years has shown an upward trend consistent with global increasing CO2 levels, while the average annual rainfall has remained unchanged. Our results provide a first insight into the response of forest species to climate change in the Congo Basin forests, and on how the understory species and the ecosystem will react in the long term, when the temperature further increases.
climate change, Congo basin, leaf traits, understory woody species
Tropical forests are characterised by their high diversity of woody species (
Species from tropical forests are sensitive to rising temperatures and prolonged drought conditions, because they are accustomed to low temperature variation (
Predicting the effects of climate change on forest ecosystems remains an ecological challenge (
Leaf functional traits are highly plastic and tightly related to environmental conditions, such as the light environment, CO2-levels, and water and nutrient availability (
A recent study has shown that understory woody species are more resilient than previously expected to drought and to other environmental changes predicted in tropical forests (
The study was conducted in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (YBR), located centrally in the Congo Basin, within the territories of Isangi and Banalia, Tshopo province in the Democratic Republic of Congo (
Species included in this study and the minimum and maximum height of the sampled individuals.
Species | Family | Hmin (m) | Hmax (m) |
Coffea canephora Pierre ex A.Froehner | Rubiaceae | 3 | 12 |
Hua gabonii Pierre ex De Wild. | Huaceae | 3 | 12 |
Scaphopetalum thonneri De Wild. & T.Durand | Malvaceae | 4 | 9 |
Tabernaemontana penduliflora K.Schum. | Apocynaceae | 3 | 7 |
Uvariopsis solheidii (De Wild.) Robyns & Ghesq. | Annonaceae | 3 | 8 |
In this study, we used leaves from mature plants, collected fresh and subsequently dried as outlined below, as well as dried leaves from historic herbarium specimens. Fresh leaves were collected from five tropical understory woody species in 2019–2022 (Table
Ten individuals per species were selected in old-growth forests in the YBR for leaf sampling. The height of the sampled shrubs varied between 3 and 12 m, as to avoid ontogenetic bias by sampling of young shrubs. From each shrub, three leaves were collected at the top of the crown, three in the middle, and three at the base. Leaves that were diseased or had been browsed by animals were not sampled. All leaves were pressed in a herbarium press and dried in an oven at a temperature of 60°C for 3 days and subsequently air dried for at least four more weeks, in order to make them comparable to the historic herbarium specimens.
For each species, 20 herbarium specimens originally collected in the same section of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve before 1960 (hereafter named pre-1960) were selected from the Yangambi (YBI) and the Meise Botanic Garden (BR) herbaria. From each herbarium specimen, a leaf was sampled while taking care to not destroy the voucher. All leaves used in this study were originally collected in the Yangambi region according to their labels.
Leaf trait analyses were performed on 459 newly collected leaves (9 leaves per individual, 10 or 11 shrubs per species, and 5 species) and on 135 old herbarium leaves (1 leaf per specimen, 5 species and 20 leaves for C. canephora and S. thonneri, 27 for H. gabonii, 42 for T. penduliflora and 26 for U. solheidii). The dry mass of stalkless leaves was determined using a precision balance (precision: 0.0001 g). The upper surface of the leaves was scanned at a resolution of 300 dpi using an EPSON 10000 XL scanner. The surface area of the leaves was calculated using ImageJ v.1.52a (US National Institutes of Health; The specific leaf area (SLA), which corresponds here to the surface area of one side of the dried leaf divided by its dry mass, was calculated.
On the abaxial surface, a thin layer of colourless nail varnish was applied on both sides of the main vein and dried overnight. The nail varnish was then meticulously detached using transparent tape and glued on a microscopy slide. Two impressions were made for each extant leaf. On each herbarium leaf, two prints at the top, two prints in the middle, and two prints at the base of the leaf were made. Three photos per impression were taken per leaf print at a ×1,000 lens magnification using a digital microscope (VH-5000, Ver, Keyence Corporation). The stomata were counted on the photos using ImageJ v.1.51n in a grid of 40,000 µm² surface area. The stomatal density (SD) of each species was calculated and expressed per mm2. On each of the photos taken, the length and width of one single representative and clear stoma was measured. At the same time, the length and width of the same stoma pore was measured using the ObjectJ plugin in ImageJ (
Climatological data consisting of average monthly rainfall, minimum and maximum temperatures, and monthly averages, covering the period 1961–2021, obtained directly from the INERA Yangambi climatology station (KP5), located at 00°49’12” N, 24°27’18” E (see
Changes in mean annual temperature and rainfall in Yangambi over the past 60 years were highlighted by analysing temperature and rainfall data. The identification of any trend in the time series was done using the Mann-Kendall trend test, performed using the Mann-Kendall function of the package Kendall v.2.2.1 in R v.4.2.1. It was applied separately to the precipitation and temperature series.
In Yangambi, the average annual temperature recorded for the period 1961–2021 was 24.98°C. The annual minimum temperature of 18.93°C was recorded in 1985, while the annual maximum temperature of 30.8°C was recorded in 2016. There was an upward trend in the temperature time series for this period (Kendall’s Tau = 0.63, p value < 0.001; Fig.
The minimum annual rainfall recorded at Yangambi was about 1418 mm in 2017, while the maximum annual rainfall was about 2432 mm in 1966, with an annual mean of about 1817 mm for the entire period. No trend was found in the rainfall distribution series at Yangambi during the period 1961–2021 (Kendall’s Tau = 0.047, p value = 0.59; Fig.
All data were analysed using R v.4.2.1. The normality of the data and the distribution of the residuals was checked using a Shapiro-Wilk test for all traits before other statistical test were performed A logarithmic transformation was performed on all trait data to meet normality requirements. In order to quantify the sources of variability in the traits depending on the position of the leaf in the canopy, we fitted linear mixed-effects models using the lmer function of the package lme4 v.1.1-31 (
There were no significant differences in leaf traits located at different levels in the crown, for any of the traits measured, nor a significant interaction between position and species (Table
Results of the ANOVA on linear mixed-effects models comparing leaf functional traits at three different positions (top, middle, bottom) of five tropical understory species.
Leaf traits | Position effect | Species effect | Position × Species | |||
F value | p value | F value | p value | F value | p value | |
Leaf area | 0.55 | 0.75 | 43 | < 0.001 | 9.05 | 0.34 |
Leaf dry mass | 1.23 | 0.54 | 29.69 | < 0.001 | 10.72 | 0.22 |
Specific leaf area | 0.51 | 0.77 | 13.54 | < 0.001 | 10.72 | 0.22 |
Stomata length | 0.61 | 0.73 | 329.23 | < 0.001 | 4.71 | 0.79 |
Stomata width | 0.71 | 0.7 | 66.55 | < 0.001 | 2.95 | 0.94 |
Pore length | 0.67 | 0.71 | 123.34 | < 0.001 | 2.04 | 0.98 |
Pore width | 0.71 | 0.69 | 20.98 | < 0.001 | 5.48 | 0.71 |
Stomatal density | 2.71 | 0.25 | 244.93 | < 0.001 | 8.63 | 0.37 |
The largest leaves in terms of area and dry mass were observed in Coffea canephora (Fig.
There was no significant difference in stomatal size measured for leaves collected at different positions in the crown (Table
Variation in leaf traits as a function of position at different crown levels of the shrubs: the means of leaf area, dry mass, and specific leaf area of the different species studied. The thick bars are means, while the small bars above are standard error (SE). C.c = Coffea canephora, H.g = Hua gabonii, S.t = Scaphopetalum thonneri, T.p = Tabernaemontana penduliflora, U.s = Uvariopsis solheidii.
Hua gabonii had a considerably higher stomatal density compared to other species, with a mean of 695 ± 40 The species T. penduliflora had the lowest stomatal density with a mean of 155 ± 65 (Fig.
Several leaf traits of understory woody species changed significantly between the periods pre-1960 and 2019–2022 in the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve (Table
Results of the ANOVA on linear models comparing leaf functional traits at two different periods (pre-1960 and 2019–2022) of five tropical understory species.
Leaf traits | Period effect | Species effect | Period × Species | |||
F value | p value | F value | p value | F value | p value | |
Leaf area | 31.13 | < 0.001 | 89.57 | < 0.001 | 3.08 | < 0.05 |
Leaf dry mass | 3.57 | 0.5 | 99.76 | < 0.001 | 3.27 | < 0.01 |
Specific leaf area | 93.84 | < 0.001 | 22.23 | < 0.001 | 0.93 | 0.44 |
Stomata length | 0.02 | 0.89 | 409.53 | < 0.001 | 2.15 | 0.07 |
Stomata width | 0.02 | 0.89 | 148.89 | < 0.001 | 1.77 | 0.13 |
Pore length | 5.63 | 0.02 | 309.82 | < 0.001 | 4.63 | < 0.001 |
Pore width | 3.25 | 0.07 | 51.65 | < 0.001 | 0.83 | 0.51 |
Stomatal density | 1.18 | 0.28 | 7.05 | < 0.001 | 0.05 | < 0.001 |
The surface area of leaves collected in 2019–2022 (133.62 ± 60 cm2) was significantly larger than the one of specimens collected in pre-1960 (104.18 ± 55 cm2; Table
Variation of leaf traits of understory woody species between pre-1960 and 2019–2022. The bars represent average values, while the error bars are standard errors (SE). C.c = Coffea canephora, H.g = Hua gabonii, S.t = Scaphopetalum thonneri, T.p = Tabernaemontana penduliflora, U.s = Uvariopsis solheidii.
The length and width of stomata of the five studied species in the YBR understory did not change over the past 60 years, nor was there a significant interaction effect (Table
There was a significant interaction between collecting period and species for stomatal density (Table
As shown in this study, comparing leaves of historic herbarium specimens with the leaves collected for leaf traits in the understory of tropical forests provides a high added value to existing methods, such as short-term experiments or distribution modelling, for studying climate change effects on plants. Our data shows that the leaf position in the tree crown (base, middle, top) has no influence on the trait values of woody species in the forest understory. On the other hand, we did observe changes in leaf characteristics, such as SLA and SD, over at least the past 60 years, that may be related to environmental changes.
The stomatal density values found in our study are consistent with those found by other authors in other tropical regions (
The uniformity of leaf traits in different positions of the crown can be explained by the fact that all leaves of the species from the understory are exposed to rather uniform light conditions. This is very much unlike leaves from trees in the canopy, whose degree of exposure to light differs depending on whether the leaves are found at the top, middle, or base of the crown (
Very high chlorophyll levels accompanied by high photosynthetic capacity have been reported for leaves fully exposed to the sun compared to those in the forest canopy that are not sun exposed (
Although physiological and biochemical traits were not measured in this study, it is possible they also vary little with leaf position in the crown of trees in the understory. However, given the strong correlation between specific leaf area and photosynthetic capacity (
In general, our results confirm that studying effects of recent climate change events on tropical forest understory species using herbarium specimens according to modern and standardised protocols (
In this study, the main objective was to analyse the variation in leaf traits of woody species in the understory of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve and to check whether there was a potential link between this variation and climate change. Our data showed several changes over time in foliar traits of five species in the understory of the YBR. These changes are potentially linked to climatic changes that have occurred over the past decades.
The main climatic change that has taken place in the Congo Basin is an increase in the temperature, due to globall increased CO2 levels, while the annual rainfall has remained constant. For the period 1960–1992 a temperature increase of 1.6°C has been reported throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo (
For tropical forest understory species from the Congo Basin, the stomatal density decreased significantly over the past 60 years for four out five species. This is consistent with the observations of
The fact that recently collected leaves have higher SLA values may indicate that tropical forests have been enriched with nutrients, and especially atmospheric CO2, leading to an overall gain in biomass (
The results of this study show that these understory species of the YBR may have responded to the changed temperature conditions in the Yangambi region. Although rainfall remained stable in Yangambi, an increased temperature may have resulted in higher evaporation and drier soil conditions. Such drier conditions may also explain the decrease in stomatal density, as a lower stomatal density is generally observed in plants that are drought resistant (
Through this study, we have shown that the leaf position in the tree crown has no effect on leaf traits for woody species in the understory of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve. This finding shows that herbaria are reliable sources of study material for leaf trait analysis of undergrowth species and that new leaf samples can be studied without considering the vertical stratification of the crown. This would save time as well as human, material, and financial resources.
Furthermore, we have shown that the understory species of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve may have already modified some of their leaf traits in response to the climatic variations recorded in the region between the periods pre-1960 and 2019–2022. They have developed larger leaves but with fewer stomata than historical specimens. This could be a response to environmental variation and these changes are likely to continue in the coming years as temperature and atmospheric CO2 are expected to increase further.
Having sampled only a small number of the numerous species in the understory of the Congo Basin forests, a more extensive study to measure leaf traits is needed for other understory woody species and in more locations in order to build a solid database that can be used to draw more general conclusions about the future of tropical forests.
The European Union, CIFOR, and Meise Botanic Garden are thanked for the scholarship given to the main author. The ERAIFT, University of Kisangani, and the INERA Yangambi are thanked for their support. We thank two anonymous reviewers for providing valuable contributions to improve the manuscript.
Data associated with leaves collected before 1961, and with leaves collected in the period 2019–2021.
Monthly average temperature and annual rainfall at the INERA Yangambi climatology station (DR Congo) between 1961 and 2021. Source: