Research Article |
Corresponding author: Catherine Reeb ( ) Academic editor: Pierre Meerts
© 2024 Rivoharifara Randrianarimanana, France Rakotondrainibe, Elodie Boucheron-Dubuisson, Lovanomenjanahary Marline, Mijoro Rakotoarinivo, Catherine Reeb.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Randrianarimanana R, Rakotondrainibe F, Boucheron-Dubuisson E, Marline L, Rakotoarinivo M, Reeb C (2024) Diversity and distribution of ferns and clubmosses in the eastern canyons of Isalo National Park, Madagascar. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(1): 3-19.
Background and aims – In contrast to the flowering plants, the pteridophyte flora of Madagascar is still understudied. While several studies have been published on the eastern and central parts of the island, there are currently few works dedicated to the pteridophytes of southwestern Madagascar. The aim of this work is to increase the knowledge of the pteridophyte flora of the Isalo massif in southwestern Madagascar. It presents a checklist of Isalo’s pteridophytes and an analysis of the diversity and distribution patterns of pteridophyte communities across ecological gradients in the eastern canyons of Isalo.
Material and methods – Eighty plots were placed in six canyons. In each plot, pteridophyte species abundance was inventoried, as well as several ecological and geomorphological variables. A census in the field and observations on specimens in herbaria were carried to make a checklist of all the pteridophyte species known for Isalo. Statistical analysis was carried out to understand the pteridophyte diversity and distribution patterns in the Isalo’s canyons: (1) exploratory analysis (FAMD and HCPC) highlights the general patterns of ecological gradients, (2) a rarefaction curve was used to compare species diversity, and (3) co-inertia analysis investigated the relationship between ecological gradient and pteridophyte communities.
Key results – In total, 60 species of ferns and lycophytes have been recorded in the massif, including ten endemic species to Madagascar and 11 species reported for the first time in the Isalo massif. Species diversity is especially high in the northern canyons (Anjofo, Andramanero, Antsifotra) in contrast to the middle (Maki and Rats) and southern (Namaza) canyons. Fern distribution patterns were correlated to a combination of environmental factors, highlighting species-specific ecological preferences.
ecological factors, habitat diversity, Madagascar, pteridophytes, species diversity
The two lineages monilophytes (ferns and horsetails) and lycophytes (clubmosses, spike mosses, and quillworts) were the first vascular plants to colonise land (
Madagascar is recognised as one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots (
This study was conducted in Isalo National Park, which is located in the southwestern part of Madagascar. Isalo National Park (Fig.
A. Location of Isalo National Parc in southwestern Madagascar. B. Distribution of the phytogeographic domain in the southern Madagascar showing the incursion of the Central domain (subhumid) in the Isalo massif and Analavelona area; the elevation gap (< 1500 m) between northern and southern mountains let the trade winds blow from east to west. C. Simplified isohyets (mm/year) for the southern Madagascar, from the eastern escarpment to the western coast, showing the highest humidity in Isalo National Park (and Anavelona area) (modified from
In order to determine the richness of the pteridophytes of the Isalo massif and how those communities are organised in the canyons, this study aims to achieve the following objectives: (1) produce a checklist of ferns and lycophytes found in Isalo National Park using newly collected samples and herbarium records, (2) investigate the diversity and distribution patterns of pteridological communities of the eastern canyons of Isalo, depending on the ecological gradient.
Isalo National Park is located in southwestern Madagascar, lying between 22°13’–22°45’S and 45°13’–45°29’E, and belongs to the Ihorombe region (Ihosy district) and the Atsimo-Andrefana region (Ankazoabo district) (Fig.
The Isalo massif belongs to the youngest series (Triassic–early Jurassic) of the Malagasy Karoo formation (
The vegetation of the Isalo massif belongs to the western slopes of the Central domain (
This study explored six canyons that open on the southern part of the eastern side of the Isalo massif, which is a very steep cliff abruptly cut by a few east–west canyons. From south to north, these canyons are named as Namaza canyon, Maki canyon, Rats canyon, Anjofo canyon, Andramanero canyon, and Antsifotra canyon (Supplementary material
The checklist of the pteridophytes from Isalo was compiled from all herbarium specimens held at the
Malagasy National Herbarium Antananarivo, Madagascar (TAN) and the
MNHN herbarium, Paris, France (P), the
Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA (
Ecological surveys were adapted from
The openness of a canyon can influence the variation in shading of pteridophyte community patterns due to differences in preferences between heliophilous and sciaphylous species (
The number of individuals of each fern species was recorded for each plot. In the case of ferns with long creeping rhizomes, each frond was considered as an individual, as the “true” individual is born from the development of a spore, data which is not accessible in the field. To limit observer bias, individuals of each species in each plot were counted 3 to 4 four times by 3 to 4 pairs of observers. The mean of the observers’ counts was then calculated to estimate the number of individuals for each species in each plot.
To understand the factors that shape the diversity and distribution of pteridophyte communities, we considered ecological factors related to the vegetation, morphology, and riverbed characteristics of a canyon (Table
Ecological factor | Description |
L index | Percentage value: the proportion of the sky not obscured by cliffs and canopies |
River regime in the dry season | Ordinal: (1) water completely evaporated, (2) still stagnant river, (3) running water without ripples, (4) running water with ripples or small rapids |
Distance D | Numeric: D = major riverbed width - minor riverbed width |
Percentage of sand / total surface of the major riverbed | Ordinal: (1) no sand 0–10%, (2) 10–25%, (3) 25–50%, (4) 50–75%, (5) 75–100% (estimation) |
Rocks in the riverbed | Ordinal: (1) no rocks, (2) rocks < 0.1 m, (3) 0.1 m < rocks < 0.5 m, (4) 0.5 m < rocks < 1.5 m, (5) rocks > 1.5 m |
Trees and Pandanus density | Ordinal: (1) no trees in the canyon, (2) 2–3 scattered trees, (3) > 3 trees with a diameter > 10 cm; (1) no Pandanus in the plot, (2) 2–3 scattered Pandanus, (3) > 3 Pandanus |
Herbaceous layer density | Ordinal: (1) no herbaceous layer, (2) scattered to discontinuous herbaceous layer, (3) continuous herbaceous layer |
Seepage presence, used as a supplementary variable | Binary: (1) present, (2) absent |
Orientation | Discrete, not ordinal: (1) N–S, (2) NW–SE, (3) W–E, (4) SW–NE, (5) S–N |
Slope | Numeric |
Distance to opening | Numeric (metres): the position of the origin is the opening of the cliff; negative values are considered in the plain, positive values are considered in the canyon |
To assess the effect of light penetration in the canyon on pteridophyte diversity, we developed an L index that is related to the combination of canopy and rock/cliff cover that act as barriers for light penetration in the canyon. To measure this L index, we developed a simple and repeatable method based on the analysis of canopy images using ImageJ (Supplementary material
Descriptions of the ecological factors are given in Table
The analysis of the pteridophyte community and its relationships with ecological factors is mainly based on ordination methods. These methods allow the transformation of multivariate data into an interpretable form that revealing patterns and relationships within the data (
An exploratory analysis of the ecological data was first carried out using a Hierarchical Clustering on Principal Components (HCPC). The HCPC is a clustering method that we use to generate a dendrogram that groups plots into a class according to the similarity of their ecological gradients (
First, we defined the general pattern of species composition in the canyon catchment and then explored the abundance of each species in each plot. To do this, we performed a Correspondence Analysis (CA) from the R package ade4 v.1.7-22 (
Second, we measured the similarity of species composition at two levels: at the 6 canyons catchment level and at the plot types level (Supplementary materials
To understand the distribution of species in the pteridophyte community, we use diversity indices to compare species diversity in the six canyons (Maki, Rats, Andramanero, Namaza, Anjofo, Antsifotra). The sample size differs from canyon to canyon, due to the difference in sampling effort. A rarefaction method was used because it provides a standardisation of the sample size to overcome the influence of sample size differences when comparing species diversity (
Co-inertia analysis was used to explore the relationship between fern community patterns and the factors that may control them. Co-inertia analysis takes two multivariate datasets as an input and searches for the pair of new axes that maximises the concordance between the two datasets. The optimisation criterion in co-inertia analysis is that the resulting sample scores (ecological scores and floristic scores) are the most covariant (
Sixty (60) species of ferns (Table
Checklist of ferns from the Isalo massif. The nomenclature of species and family is based on
Family | Species | Species ( |
Endemic to Madagascar | W domain | C domain | E domain | S domain |
Pteridaceae | Actiniopteris dimorpha Pic.Serm. | = | X | X | X | ||
Pteridaceae | Adiantum capillus-veneris L. | = | X | X | X | ||
Cyatheaceae | Alsophila dregei (Kunze) R.M.Tryon | Cyathea dregei Kunze | X | X | |||
Cyatheaceae | Alsophila hyacinthei var. hyacinthei | Cyathea isaloensis C.Chr. | X | ||||
Anemiaceae | Anemia madagascariensis C.Chr. | = | END | X | |||
Tectariaceae | Arthropteris orientalis var. orientalis | = | X | X | |||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium aff. aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Bech. | Asplenium aethiopicum (Burm.f.) Bech. | X | ||||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium blastophorum Hieron | = | X | X | X | ||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium buettneri Hieron. ex Brause | = | X | ||||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium erectum Bory ex Willd. | = | X | ||||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium formosum Willd. | = | X | X | |||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium pseudostuhlmanii Viane | Asplenium stuhlmannii Hieron. | X | X | |||
Blechnaceae | Blechnum attenuatum (Sw.) Mett. | = | X | X | |||
Blechnaceae | Blechnum tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn | = | X | ||||
Dennstaedtiaceae | Blotiella isaloensis (Tardieu) P.Roux | = | END | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Cheilanthes bonapartei P.Roux | Adiantopsis linearis Bonap. | END | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. | Cheilanthes hirta Sw. | X | ||||
Pteridaceae | Cheilanthes perrieri P.Roux | not recorded | END | X | X | ||
Gleicheniaceae | Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. | = | X | X | |||
Hymenophyllaceae | Didymoglossum erosum (Willd.) P.Roux | Trichomanes erosum Willd. | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Doryopteris kitchingii (Baker) Bonap. ex C.Chr. | = | END | X | |||
Dryopteridaceae | Elaphoglossum poolii (Baker) Christ. | = | END | X | |||
Equisetaceae | Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. | = | X | X | X | ||
Gleicheniaceae | Gleichenia polypodioides (L.) Sm. | = | X | ||||
Cyatheaceae | Gymnosphaera rouhaniana (Rakotondr. & Janssen) S.Y.Dong | not recorded | END | X | |||
Dennstaedtiaceae | Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) Sm. | = | |||||
Thelypteridaceae | Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching | = | X | X | |||
Marsileaceae | Marsilea minuta L. | = | X | X | |||
Dennstaedtiaceae | Microlepia speluncae (L.) T.Moore | = | X | X | |||
Nephrolepidaceae | Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott | = | X | X | |||
Lindsaeaceae | Odontosoria chinensis (L.) J.Sm. | = | X | X | X | ||
Oleandraceae | Oleandra distenta Kunze | = | X | X | X | ||
Lindsaeaceae | Osmolindsaea latisquama Lehtonen & Rouhan | Lindsae odorata auct. | X | ||||
Osmundaceae | Osmunda regalis var. obtusifolia (Kaulf.) Milde | Osmunda regalis L. | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pellaea angulosa (Bory ex Willd.) Baker | = | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pellaea boivinii Hook. | = | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pellaea calomelanos (Sw.) Link | = | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pellaea dura (Willd.) Hook. | = | X | ||||
Pteridaceae | Pellaea pectiniformis Baker | = | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pityrogramma argentea (Willd.) Domin | = | X | ||||
Pteridaceae | Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) Link | = | X | ||||
Psilotaceae | Psilotum nudum (L.) P.Beauv. | = | X | X | X | ||
Dennstaedtiaceae | Pteridium aquilinum subsp. capense (Thunb) C.Chr. | = | X | X | |||
Pteridaceae | Pteris pseudolonchitis Bory ex Willd. | = | X | X | |||
Marattiaceae | Ptisana fraxinea (Sm.) Murdock | Marattia fraxinea Sm. | X | X | |||
Blechnaceae | Stenochlaena tenuifolia (Desv.) Moore | = | X | X | X | ||
Gleicheniaceae | Sticherus flagellaris (Bory ex Willd.) Ching | = | X | ||||
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris arbuscula (Willd.) K.Iwats. | Sphaerostephanos arbuscula (Willd.) Holltum | X | ||||
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.V.Morton | = | X | X | |||
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John | Christella dentata (Forssk.) Holttum | X | X | |||
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. | Cyclosorus interruptus (Willd.) H.Itô | X | X | X | ||
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton | Sphaerostephanos unitus (L.) Holltum | X | X | X |
Checklist of lycophytes from the Isalo massif. The nomenclature of species and family is based on
Family | Species |
Species ( |
Endemic to Madagascar | W domain | C domain | E domain | S domain |
Lygodiaceae | Lygodium kerstenii Kuhn | = | X | X | |||
Lygodiaceae | Lygodium lanceolatum Desv. | = | X | X | |||
Lycopodiaceae | Palhinhaea cernua (L.) Franco & Vasc. | Lycopodiella cernua (L.) Pic.Serm | X | X | |||
Lycopodiaceae | Pseudolycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Holub | Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pic.Serm. | X | X | X | ||
Selaginellaceae | Selaginella digitata Spring. | = | END | X | X | ||
Selaginellaceae | Selaginella echinata Baker | = | END | X | X | X | |
Selaginellaceae | Selaginella helicoclada Alston ex Alston | = | END | X | X |
The pteridophyte flora of the Isalo Park shows a high affinity with that of the Central Domain. (Tables
Five clusters are identified by hierarchical clustering of plots according to ecological factors (Fig.
A. Hierarchical clustering tree of the plots according to ecological factors, 5 clades are numbered; the plots labels are highlighted according to their canyon (legend below the plots); the plot Type is reported in the bottom row. B. Projection of the plots grouped by clades of the HCPC on the first two dimensions of the FMAD.
Different patterns of fern abundance emerge with respect to plot ordination (Fig.
Ordination of the fern abundance table on the first axis of the CA analysis, the x-axis shows the species identified, the y-axis shows the number of plots, coloured according to their location (= the canyons they were sampled). The size of the black squares is proportional to species abundance.
The similarities between the composition of the fern communities at the scale of the six canyons catchments is analysed with NMDS (Fig.
A. NMDS analysis according to the six canyons. B. NMDS analysis according the Type of plots. The horizontal x-axis represents the first dimension extracted by the NMDS analysis. This dimension is constructed so that the distance or dissimilarity between the points on this axis reflects as closely as possible the original dissimilarity between plots. In A coloured according to the canyons, in B coloured according to the Type of plot. The vertical axis is the second dimension extracted from the NMDS analysis, also designed to reflect the dissimilarity between the plots, but it is orthogonal to the x-axis, which means that it captures another source of dissimilarity relative to the x-axis. It is important to remember that the axes in an NMDS plot are used to visualise the relative similarity or dissimilarity of the objects analysed (here plots) in a reduced dimensional space, and have no direct meaning in terms of specific variables.
In a second analysis, when the composition of the fern communities is projected with NMDS according to plot Type (Fig.
Rarefied species diversity values (Table
Rarefied species diversity values of the six canyons. In brackets, asymptotic diversity estimate values of the six canyons: first number = LCL, 95% associated Lower Confidence interval Limit; second number = UCL, 95% Upper Confidence interval Limit.
Canyon | Rarefied species richness q = 0 | Rarefied Shannon diversity q = 1 | Rarefied Simpson diversity q = 2 |
Andramanero | 19 [19–19.60] | 5.21 [5.12–5.35] | 3.090 [3-031–3.0156] |
Anjofo | 21 [21–21.196] | 7.623 [7.505–7.742] | 5.371 [5.289–5.545] |
Antsifotra | 15 [15–15] | 6,697 [6.465–6.930] | 4.091 [3.900–4.289] |
Maki | 19 [19–20.35] | 2.746 [2.716–2.776] | 1.902 [1.882–1.922] |
Namaza | 15 [15–12.798] | 3.277 [3.203–3.351] | 2.524 [2.480–2.569] |
Rats | 17 [17–17.467] | 2.9672 [2.939–3.007] | 2.062 [2.037–2.087] |
The co-inertia analysis (Fig.
Co-inertia analysis. A. Scatter plot representing the coefficients of the combinations of the variables for ecological variables. The colours are only informative for easier reading: “green” = vegetation presence; “brown” = rocks; “orange” = riverbed dimensions; “violet” = Type of plot. B. Scatter plot representing the coefficients of the combinations of the variables for fern species abundance. C. Result of the permutation test; the RV coefficient appears as different that RV expected by chance. See Supplementary material
On the second axis, the difference D between the width of the major and minor riverbeds is inversely correlated with the distance to the mouth of the canyon. The presence of vegetation (trees, pandanus, grasses) is positively correlated on axis 1, with lower values.
In open plots, species such as Equisetum ramosissimum and Thelypteris interrupta are clearly associated with a high L index, sandy substrate, and the presence of vegetation. Marsilea minuta occurs in pools in open areas, and is negatively correlated with the distance from the mouth of the canyon. It means that Marsilea minuta becomes rarer as we move towards the bottom of the canyon.
On the other hand, on the negative part of axes 1 and 2, species such as Ptisana fraxinea and Cyathea sp. are strongly correlated with the very narrow canyons, surrounded by high vertical cliffs that shade the canopy. Also associated with the presence of rocky outcrops that provide anchorage are Ptisana fraxinea and Didymoglossum erosum. Osmunda regalis and Stenochlaena tenuifolia are associated with large major riverbeds. Odontosoria chinensis, one of the most common ferns, is probably more linked to rock presence. Blotiella isaloensis and Lygodium lanceolatum, two lianaceous species seem to be correlated with the presence of rocks in the riverbed, both minor and major. It confirms the sensitivity of fern species to environmental factors, such as rocks, sand, or trees, the presence of grasses, and orientation which can influence the light intensity during the day.
This study contributes to the understanding of the pteridophyte flora in southeastern Madagascar. The Isalo massif has a significant richness of 60 species compared to other geomorphologically similar areas. For example, the Makay massif, a larger sandstone massif to the north of Isalo, was reported to have only 38 species (
The low rate of endemism in the Isalo massif (16% for Isalo, ~50% for the Madagascar fern flora) may be attributed to the geomorphology of the area that has an influence on the trade winds at both local and regional scales. On a regional level, the absence of significant relief (> 1500 m) between the Isalo massif and the eastern coast of Madagascar allows the trade winds blowing from the east to reach the massif, thus facilitating the wind-borne transport of pteridophyte spores even from other countries or continents (Fig.
In particular, the fern communities of Isalo show a variety of affinities with the different phytogeographical domains (Tables
Apart from these strong affinities, some species such as Odontosoria chinensis, Stenochlaena tenuifolia are present from north to south in many riparian ecosystems, at the interface between the flowing water and the beginning of the major riverbed as well as in other tropical countries (
Ferns are the most abundant tracheophytes found in riverbeds, due to their widely dispersed spores and their high frequency of vegetative reproduction (
Finally, ferns also reflect human disturbance, even in a privileged, protected environment such as the Isalo massif. The creeping fern Pteris aquilinum, the scrambling ferns Dicranopteris linearis, and Sticherus flagellaris are characteristic of anthropogenic disturbance (
The Isalo massif hosts a mosaic of original fern communities, including both common and rare species that exploit specific local conditions. The study confirms the complex interactions between a multiplicity of factors at different scales to explain the structure of pteridophyte communities. The regional conditions (regional climate, position of Isalo in the southwest of Madagascar), the local scale level caused by the different canyon conditions (geomorphology, orientation, etc.), the fine-scale influences at the plot level, the biology and niche requirements of each fern species, their evolutionary history (e.g. dispersal) ultimately influence the presence or absence of a fern species in a particular area.
Thanks to the protected status of Isalo National Park, the canyons of Isalo are mostly subject to natural disturbances, such as extreme flooding. The biology of ferns gives them advantages to survive in such unstable environments (
Sand favours the establishment of species such as Equisetum ramosissimum and Pteridium aquilinum, which can be good indicators of siltation. Other species such as Didymoglossum erosum, a filmy fern, could be good candidates for studying the evolution of the canyon’s climate and the impact of climate change on species biodiversity; this species has a low tolerance to dry atmosphere, and its potential loss could alert to such changes. Tree ferns could also be monitored, especially to control potential and illegal exploitation (no data were found on this subject).
The accessible eastern part of the Isalo National Park was investigated for this study and in those of
Finally, it would be very interesting to compare the fern diversity of the Isalo massif with the larger sandstone massif of the Makay north of the Mangoky River, in a very similar geomorphological and geological context. It has recently shown that the aquatic Adephaga (aquatic Coleoptera) diversity was lower in the Makay than in Isalo (
This study was carried out thanks to the Direction General des forêts de Madagascar which provided the research permit N°1146/19/MEDD/SG/DGEF/DGRNE. The authors thank the Madagascar National Park (MNP) and the Isalo National Park for their hospitality and the help in organising this study. We would also like to mention Christophe de Comarmond and Parson from the Satrana Lodge, Ranohira, who facilitated our stay in Ranohira and our transport. Thanks to the department DEBV (Department of Biology and Plant Ecology), University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. A special mention to Benjamin L. Rice for improving the English writing of the manuscript and to the reviewers for their constructive comments, which helped us to improve the manuscript. This study was carried out with the support of the French naturalist association TIMARCHA, including all the students and colleagues who participated in the sampling on the field: Elianne Andriamiaja Raharisoa, Juliette Bruneau, Delphine Chang, Noe Diamante, Heloise Duprat, Antoine Lafont, Erwan Lejeune, Pauline Michel, Aurelia Pourriau, Alix Thiebault. We also thank our the MNP guides and our cooks.
Location and details of the plots in the Isalo National Park.
Plot type definition, and illustration of the different types.
Canopy image treatment: the method used to evaluate the canopy opening, with a repeatable method, using a simple camera and a binary image treatment with ImageJ.
Dataset for ecological factors for the plots analysed during this study.
Check-list of the ferns from the Isalo massif, with a selection of specimens.
Taxonomic fern diversity at the family and the genus level in the Isalo massif, compared to the fern flora of the whole of Madagascar.