David J. Goyder, Nina Davies, Manfred Finckh, Amândio Gomes, Francisco Maiato P. Gonçalves, Paulina Meller, Alan J. Paton (2023)
New species of Asclepias (Apocynaceae), Baphia (Leguminosae), Cochlospermum (Bixaceae) and Endostemon (Lamiaceae) from the Kalahari sands of Angola and NW Zambia, with one new combination in Vangueria (Rubiaceae).
PhytoKeys232: 145.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.232.110110
Christophe Demichelis, Johan Oszwald, Doyle Mckey, Paul-Yannick Bitome Essono, Guy-Philippe Sounguet, Jean-Jacques Braun (2023)
Socio-Ecological Approach to a Forest-Swamp-Savannah Mosaic Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Local Knowledge: a Case Study in the Bas-Ogooué Ramsar Site, Gabon.
Environmental Management72: 1241.
DOI: 10.1007/s00267-023-01827-8
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