Illustration of Ochna mchanga. A. Habit. B. Bark on mature stem. C. Adaxial of a medium-sized leaf. D. Serration of leaf margin, adaxial. E. Leaf apex, adaxial. F. Flower after loss of petals (style absent). G–H. Inner surface of sepals. I. Inner surface of the petal. J. Stamen. K. Ovaries, style, and stigma. L. Side view of flower post pollination showing immature drupelets. M. Underside of flower with three developing drupelets and a few persistent filaments. N. Upper side of flower with four mature drupelets. A, C, D, E from Luke et al. 13822 (K); B, N from Timberlake et al. 5579 (K); F–K from Vollesen 4309 (K); L, M from Timberlake 5624 (K). Drawn by Andrew Brown.

  Part of: Shah T, Mashimba FH, Suleiman HajiO, Mbailwa YS, Savolainen V, Larridon I, Darbyshire I (2023) A taxonomic revision of the ecologically important Ochna holstii (Ochnaceae) complex using molecular and morphological data. Plant Ecology and Evolution 156(2): 174-200.