Alessandro Bricca, Federico Maria Tardella, Fabio Tolu, Irina Goia, Arianna Ferrara, Andrea Catorci (2019)
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Paola Scocco, Karina Piermarteri, Alessandro Malfatti, Federico M. Tardella, Andrea Catorci (2016)
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Federico Maria Tardella, Alessandro Bricca, Stefano Chelli, Giandiego Campetella, Roberto Canullo, Maurizio Cutini, Irina G. Goia, Nicola Postiglione, Andrea Catorci (2021)
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Andrea Catorci, Karina Piermarteri, Károly Penksza, Judit Házi, Federico Maria Tardella (2017)
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Paola Scocco, Francesca Mercati, Federico Maria Tardella, Andrea Catorci (2016)
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