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Behara Satyanarayana, Aidy M. Muslim, Nurul Amira Izzaty Horsali, Nurul Ashikin Mat Zauki, Viviana Otero, Muhammad Izuan Nadzri, Sulong Ibrahim, Mohd-Lokman Husain, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (2018)
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Tom Van der Stocken, Dustin Carroll, Dimitris Menemenlis, Marc Simard, Nico Koedam (2019)
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K. Leempoel, B. Satyaranayana, C. Bourgeois, J. Zhang, M. Chen, J. Wang, J. Bogaert, F. Dahdouh-Guebas (2013)
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Frederick Asante, Jean Hugé, Noble K. Asare, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (2023)
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B Satyanarayana, N Koedam, K De Smet, D Di Nitto, M Bauwens, LP Jayatissa, S Cannicci, F Dahdouh-Guebas (2011)
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Monika Ruwaimana, Behara Satyanarayana, Viviana Otero, Aidy M. Muslim, Muhammad Syafiq A., Sulong Ibrahim, Dries Raymaekers, Nico Koedam, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas, Shijo Joseph (2018)
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Adolphe Nfotabong-Atheull, Ndongo Din, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (2013)
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Behara Satyanarayana, Preetika Bhanderi, Mélanie Debry, Danae Maniatis, Franka Foré, Dawda Badgie, Kawsu Jammeh, Tom Vanwing, Christine Farcy, Nico Koedam, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (2012)
A Socio-Ecological Assessment Aiming at Improved Forest Resource Management and Sustainable Ecotourism Development in the Mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa.
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Farid Dahdouh-Guebas (2011)
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V. Tran Thi, A. Tien Thi Xuan, H. Phan Nguyen, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, N. Koedam (2014)
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Nibedita Mukherjee, William J. Sutherland, Md Nabiul I. Khan, Uta Berger, Nele Schmitz, Farid Dahdouh‐Guebas, Nico Koedam (2014)
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Marco Fusi, Gian Maria Beone, Nicoleta Alina Suciu, Angela Sacchi, Marco Trevisan, Ettore Capri, Daniele Daffonchio, Ndongo Din, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas, Stefano Cannicci (2016)
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Beth A. Polidoro, Kent E. Carpenter, Farid Dahdouh-Guebas, Joanna C. Ellison, Nico E. Koedam, Jean W. H. Yong (2014)
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