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Peri-urban conservation in the Mondah forest of Libreville, Gabon: Red List assessments of endemic plant species, and avoiding protected area downsizing.
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Maria G. Alvarez-Aguirre, Martin Cheek, Bonaventure Sonké (2021)
Kupeantha yabassi (Coffeeae-Rubiaceae), a new Critically Endangered shrub species of the Ebo Forest area, Littoral Region, Cameroon.
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Martin Cheek, Jean Michel Onana (2021)
The endemic plant species of Mt Kupe, Cameroon with a new Critically Endangered cloud-forest tree species, Vepris zapfackii (Rutaceae).
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Martin Cheek, Sara Edwards, Jean Michel Onana (2023)
A massive Critically Endangered cloud forest tree, Microcos rumpi (Grewiaceae) new to science from the Rumpi Hills, SW Region, Cameroon.
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Tree diversity of the Dja Faunal Reserve, southeastern Cameroon.
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