Baptiste Brée, Andrew J. Helmstetter, Kévin Bethune, Jean-Paul Ghogue, Bonaventure Sonké, Thomas L. P. Couvreur (2020)
Diversification of African Rainforest Restricted Clades: Piptostigmateae and Annickieae (Annonaceae).
Diversity12: 227.
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Thomas L. P. Couvreur, Leo-Paul M. J. Dagallier, Francoise Crozier, Jean-Paul Ghogue, Paul H. Hoekstra, Narcisse G. Kamdem, David M. Johnson, Nancy A. Murray, Bonaventure Sonké (2022)
Flora of Cameroon – Annonaceae Vol 45.
PhytoKeys207: 1.
DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.207.61432
Nicolas Texier, Gilles Dauby, Ehoarn Bidault, Porter P. Lowry, Davy U. Ikabanga, Tariq Stévart (2021)
An efficient method for defining plant species under High Conservation Value (HCV) criterion 1 based on the IUCN Red List criteria: A case study using species endemic to Gabon.
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P. Novaes, P.B. Torres, T.A. Cornu, J. de Carvalho Lopes, M.J.P. Ferreira, D.Y.A.C. dos Santos (2019)
Comparing antioxidant activities of flavonols from Annona coriacea by four approaches.
South African Journal of Botany123: 253.
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George Gosline, Andrew R. Marshall, Isabel Larridon (2019)
Revision and new species of the African genus Mischogyne (Annonaceae).
Kew Bulletin74: .
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Brandet-Junior Lissambou, Olivier J. Hardy, Christiane Atteke, Tariq Stevart, Gilles Dauby, Bertrand Mbatchi, Bonaventure Sonke, Thomas L.P. Couvreur (2018)
Taxonomic revision of the African genus Greenwayodendron (Annonaceae).
PhytoKeys114: 55.
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Thomas L. P. Couvreur, Andrew J. Helmstetter, Erik J. M. Koenen, Kevin Bethune, Rita D. Brandão, Stefan A. Little, Hervé Sauquet, Roy H. J. Erkens (2019)
Phylogenomics of the Major Tropical Plant Family Annonaceae Using Targeted Enrichment of Nuclear Genes.
Frontiers in Plant Science9: .
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Xing Guo, Chin Cheung Tang, Daniel C. Thomas, Thomas L. P. Couvreur, Richard M. K. Saunders (2017)
A mega-phylogeny of the Annonaceae: taxonomic placement of five enigmatic genera and support for a new tribe, Phoenicantheae.
Scientific Reports7: .
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Robert Douglas Stone, Barthelemy Tchiengué, Martin Cheek (2024)
The endemic plant species of Ebo Forest, Littoral Region, Cameroon, with a new Critically Endangered cloud forest shrub, Memecylon ebo (Melastomataceae-Olisbeoideae).
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Francis J. Nge, Tanawat Chaowasku, Anissara Damthongdee, Chattida Wiya, Vincent R.C. Soulé, Carlos Rodrigues‐Vaz, David Bruy, Cédric Mariac, Lars W. Chatrou, Junhao Chen, Le Min Choo, Léo‐Paul M.J. Dagallier, Roy H.J. Erkens, David M. Johnson, Charan Leeratiwong, Adriana Q. Lobão, Jenifer C. Lopes, Maria Fernanda Martínez‐Velarde, Jérôme Munzinger, Nancy A. Murray, Wei Ling Neo, Mijoro Rakotoarinivo, Andres E. Ortiz‐Rodriguez, Bonaventure Sonké, Daniel C. Thomas, Jan J. Wieringa, Thomas L.P. Couvreur (2024)
Complete genus‐level phylogenomics and new subtribal classification of the pantropical plant family Annonaceae.
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Lars W. Chatrou, Ian M. Turner, Bente B. Klitgaard, Paul J. M. Maas, Timothy M. A. Utteridge (2018)
A linear sequence to facilitate curation of herbarium specimens of Annonaceae.
Kew Bulletin73: .
DOI: 10.1007/s12225-018-9764-3
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