Serhiy D. Buryak, Alberto V. Reyes, Christopher K. West, Britta J.L. Jensen, S. Andrew DuFrane, Joshua H.F.L. Davies, Yan Luo, Jennifer M. Galloway, Peter A. Siver, John A. Westgate, Jesse R. Reimink, D. Graham Pearson, Alexander P. Wolfe (2024)
Tephra zircon U-Pb geochronology of kimberlite maar sedimentary fills in subarctic Canada: Implications for Eocene paleoclimate and Late Cretaceous paleogeography.
Geological Society of America Bulletin136: 3921.
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Peter A. Siver (2020)
Remarkably preserved cysts of the extinct synurophyte, Mallomonas ampla, uncovered from a 48 Ma freshwater Eocene lake.
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Peter A. Siver (2023)
Tracing lineages of scale-bearing Chrysophyceae over geologic time.
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Alison N. Olcott, Matthew R. Downen, James D. Schiffbauer, Paul A. Selden (2022)
The exceptional preservation of Aix-en-Provence spider fossils could have been facilitated by diatoms.
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Peter A. Siver, Anne Marie Lott (2023)
History of the Giraffe Pipe locality inferred from microfossil remains: a thriving freshwater ecosystem near the Arctic Circle during the warm Eocene.
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Peter A. Siver, Joel Sibley, Anne-Marie Lott, Larry Marsicano (2021)
Temporal changes in diatom valve diameter indicate shifts in lake trophic status.
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Peter A. Siver, Asbjørn Skogstad (2022)
A first account of the heterotrophic eukaryote Rabdiophrys Rainer from the fossil record and description of a new species from an ancient Eocene Arctic freshwater lake.
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Peter A. Siver (2021)
Aulacoseira chockii sp. nov., an early freshwater centric diatom from the Eocene bearing a unique morphology.
Diatom Research36: 253.
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