Elena M. Kezlya, Shukrullo Yu. Rizaev, Kirill S. Lupandin-Petrenko, Pavel S. Rassadkin, Dmitriy I. Fundovoy, Maxim S. Kulikovskiy (2023)
Genetic diversity of some common diatom species.
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Maxim S. Kulikovskiy, Anton M. Glushchenko, Sergei I. Genkal, Irina V. Kuznetsova, Yevhen I. Maltsev, John Patrick Kociolek (2023)
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A rapid cleaning method for diatoms.
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Vladimir Krivtsov, Heather Forbes, Steve Birkinshaw, Valerie Olive, David Chamberlain, Jim Buckman, Rebecca Yahr, Scott Arthur, Derek Christie, Yamina Monteiro, Cameron Diekonigin (2022)
Ecosystem services provided by urban ponds and green spaces: a detailed study of a semi-natural site with global importance for research.
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Description of the Soil Diatom Sellaphora terrestris sp. nov. (Bacillariophyceae, Sellaphoraceae) from Vietnam, with Remarks on the Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Sellaphora and Systematic Position of Microcostatus.
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