Structure of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (red) and mixed terre firme (blue) plots. A. Stem number per hectare. B. Basal Area (BA) per hectare. C. Above Ground Biomass (AGB) per hectare. D. Density distribution of stem size. Whiskers on box plots represent 1.5 times the interquartile range plus or minus the first and third quartiles respectively. Values found beyond the whiskers are shown individually as points. Stars signify significance (*** represents p < 0.001 and NS indicates a lack of significant difference).

  Part of: Heimpel E, Ahrends A, Dexter KG, Hall JS, Mamboueni J, Medjibe VP, Morgan D, Sanz C, Harris DJ (2024) Floristic and structural distinctness of monodominant Gilbertiodendron dewevrei forest in the western Congo Basin. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(1): 55-74.