Bayesian inference (right) and Maximum parsimony (left) analyses of Vanilla (Orchidaceae) based on ITS (nrDNA) showing the phylogenetic relationships among V. schwackeana (bold) and Neotropical congeners. Bootstrap values > 50% (MP) and posterior probability values > 0.5 (BI) are given above the branches. Acronyms after species names are Brazilian states: AM = Amazonas, AP = Amapá, GO = Goiás, MT = Mato Grosso, PA = Pará, PE = Pernambuco, SP = São Paulo. Vertical bars refer to the main Vanilla lineages: white bar = Neotropical Vanilla with membranaceous leaves, dashed bar = Old World/Caribbean clade, black bar = Neotropical Vanilla with non-membranaceous leaves.

  Part of: Pansarin ER (2024) Rediscovery and revalidation of the Brazilian endemic Vanilla schwackeana Hoehne (Orchidaceae): its distribution and phylogenetic position. Plant Ecology and Evolution 157(1): 32-41.