Developing viviparous offspring with chlorophyllic cotyledons still attached to the capsules. A–C, E–F. Infructescence of Amphiblemma ciliatum, showing the seedlings. D. Infructescence of A. ciliatum, with no seedlings. G. Habit of A. ciliatum. A–C, E–G from Bidault et al. 3811 (BR, BRLU, LBV, MO); D from Bidault et al. 4264 (BR, BRLU, LBV, MO, P).
Part of: Veranso-Libalah MC, Chen L, Bidault E (2023) Vivipary, a rare phenomenon in Afrotropical Melastomataceae: first report in Amphiblemma ciliatum (Sonerileae). Plant Ecology and Evolution 156(3): 333-338.