Phylogeny and character-mapping of the Peixotoid clade. A. Phylogram recovered from the Maximum Likelihood analysis showing bootstrap values above the branches and posterior probability values below the branches. B. Consensus tree showing the character-mapping summarisation resulting from the Mesquite Maximum Likelihood analysis and WinClada visualisation. Red circles represent synapomorphies, and white circles represent homologies. The numbers above the circles represent the character numbers, and those below the circles represent the character states provided in Supplementary materials 2 and 3. Terminals of Peixotoa in red represent P. sect. Perinopsis Nied. and those in black represent P. sect. Balantiopsis Nied.

  Part of: de Almeida RF, de Morais IL, Pellegrini MO, van den Berg C (2023) Molecular phylogeny and character-mapping support the synonymy of Cordobia and Gallardoa in Mionandra (Malpighiaceae). Plant Ecology and Evolution 156(3): 352-364.